expose your report

now offers an option to submit your lost or stolen camera report to external databases that expose it to the police and second-hand trade organisations in the UK and the US.

...to the camera trade

Your report can be submitted to the CheckMEND database so that it can be searched by the second-hand trade. Over 4 million checks are performed against this database every month.

In countries such as the USA there is a legal requirement for businesses accepting second-hand goods, such as in-store trade-ins or pawnbrokers, to submit transaction details to law enforcement.

...to the police

Your lost or stolen camera report can also be submitted to the Immobilize database which is searched by police in the US and UK.

Immobilize claim there are over 250 cases a week where property is returned or information collected that assists the Police in investigating criminal activity involving stolen goods.


Your email address is never forwarded to any third party. To ensure this, does not forward any of your contact details onto these external databases. Instead, if your camera is found by the police or a camera trader, all contact is through unless you explicitly ask us to forward your contact details.